Recipe for Chocolate Chip Shortbread

By Maria Lichty

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This has been an all around busy week. I am so glad today is my Friday. I am a health educator for the state of Utah which means I work a 4-10 schedule. I know it may sound like a dream schedule, having a long weekend and all, but I personally hate it. The days are too long! The only day I like it is Friday, but those days are usually packed full of errands, cleaning, etc. that I didn’t have time for earlier in the week. Ok, enough complaining, I am just glad it is my Friday…on to the recipe:)

I recently made Chocolate Chip Shortbread, I was in the mood to bake, but didn’t have a lot of time to fuss in the kitchen. I love this recipe because it is super easy to make and you don’t have to scoop out a bizzilion cookies. You just put the dough into two cake pans and you are done!

I am glad I tried a chocolate chip variety, a great buttery shortbread texture, but the classic feel of a traditional chocolate chip cookie. This one has the best of both worlds!

Chocolate Chip Shortbread
Adapted from The King Arthur Flower Cookie Companion

(Printable Recipe)

2 stick of unsalted butter
1 tsp salt
¾ cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 ⅓ cups flour
1 cup chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Grease 2 9 inch cake pans.
2. In the bowl of a mixer, cream together butter, sugar, salt, and vanilla.
3. Combine 1 cup flour and chocolate chips in a food processor. Process until the chocolate is chopped. You want the pieces to be small enough to not stick out, but large enough to still be chips.
4. Beat the remaining 1 ⅓ cup flour and the flour chocolate mixture with the butter mixture, until well combined.
5. Divide the dough in half and press in prepared cake pans. Make sure each pan is even. Smooth the surface and prick the dough with a fork.
6. Bake for 40 minutes, until golden brown on the edges. Remove and loosen the edges with a knife.
7. Wait five minutes, then carefully place the shortbread out onto a clean work surface, all in one piece.
8. Using a pizza wheel or knife, cut into wedges. Do this while it is still warm so you can cut it. Transfer wedges to a cooling rack.
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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. What a good idea I can’t wait to try. My hubby is a retired state employee he is glad they stated the 4 tens after he retired. You get to sleep in tomorrow.

  2. Wow, this really does look easy! And delicious — a great way to get that chocolate chip fix! Glad that it is Friday for you! I am sure that those four days are long (I bet that you are great at your job, though!)

  3. I just couldn’t wait to click on your link when I read – Recipe for Chocolate Chip Shortbread. Oh and what joy you bring with your scrumptious shortbread!! Thanks for sharing!

    Rosie x

  4. Thanks everyone. I know I bake a lot, but I can’t help myself:) This is an easy one and a VERY good one!

  5. I have a neighbor that works 4-10’s. She leaves at 5:30 in the morning to get back around 5. In the winter, it is dark when she leaves, dark when she gets home. She loves it, but it does sound so hard.

  6. Joie de vivre-It is hard in the winter, I live in the dark:) I can’t wait for more light this spring/summer!

  7. Oh wow that looks awesome! I’ll bet the chocolate chip shortbread is a fabulous combination. I’ll have to try that! Looks delicious!

  8. Quick desserts are so dangerous! Oh man, when I’m craving sweets, I look for recipes like this one that come together fast and pack a huge flavor punch. Can’t wait to try this! I love that it’s baked in a cake pan, just like Walker’s! Yummmy!

  9. I have this book but I don’t bake from it often enough…these look wonderful. I love your pretty shapes (both triangles and rounds).

  10. How convenient and yummy. I am having BAD chocolate cravings, and this is certainly not helping!! One of these days you are going to have to tell us how a health educator can bake such amazing treats! 🙂

  11. Culinarywannabe-I know, I shouldn’t be supporting so much butter, chocolate, sugar, etc. but the key is moderation! Don’t eat the whole batch, share! And exercise, and eat a well-balanced diet-I get lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc. I promise I don’t eat all sweets:) I think it is A-OK to enjoy treats! I don’t believe in diets:)

  12. Shortbread is a wonderful cookie isn’t it? You’re so right about how simple it is to make, but you get a great return on little effort.

  13. wow, they look adorable… gotta give this a try as soon as i get back home after my convention trip… 🙂

  14. Gotta love shortbread Maria! And you’re right: with chocolate chips you do have the best of both worlds!

  15. OMG…you are simply killing me with this one, I love chocolate chips and I love shortbread. The 2 together must be sinful.

  16. Maria!
    Did you see my post today?
    We made almost the same thing, and in wedges.
    How weird is that????

    Great minds think alike!

  17. this does look delicious. I’ll have to try this soon, but i’m afraid all the pregnancy ell-bee’s would come back with a mad vengeance!

    Thanks ps for all your sweet comments on my blog! Sure appreciate it!

  18. I sort of made chocolate chip shortbread too, but mine did not turn out right. It might have to do with forgetting to take it out of the oven though!

  19. Mmm…I love shortbread. Add some chocolate and things can only get better. Definitely bookmarking this one.

  20. 4-10 AM or PM? I’m a 4-10 PM gal, so I always have to eat dinner at ten at night. Not good.

    This shortbread looks delicious and easy. I love a good easy recipe.

  21. I love shortbread, but have not tried choc chip in it before. The pics look great and I’ll bet it is a great recipe being from King Arthur. Thanks!

  22. I actually had a schedule kind of like that and it did make the days seem long!

    This is a really pretty shortbread dessert, nice use of the chocolate chips :).

  23. Lots of nice crustiness to go around. Liking your description.. shortbread / cookie hybrid makes it sound even better 🙂

  24. i’ve never been crazy about shortbread for some reason, probably simply because chocolate isn’t usually involved. that said, this appeals to me tremendously. 🙂

  25. Shortbread is a such a HUGE fav of mine- I like the round one’s what a lovely way to enjoy after noon tea with biscuits (cookies) yum.