Meet Our New Little Pea

By Maria Lichty

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We want to introduce the newest member of our pea pod today! Maxwell Forrest Lichty was born on Tuesday, August 5th at 11:20 p.m. He was 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19.5 inches long, which was exactly what Caleb was when he was born. Crazy, huh? We are loving every second with our little guy and are so excited he is part of our family!

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Caleb loves being a big brother and has been so sweet with baby Maxwell. We just love our two boys!

We are coming home from the hospital today and we can’t wait to climb into our own bed and eat a home cooked meal:) Everyone is healthy and doing great. We want to thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, love, and kindness! I will share Maxwell’s birth story soon, but I am going to get some rest and enjoy some more baby snuggles!

I am sure we will be sharing more baby photos on Instagram, so make sure you are following along!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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Little Pea

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  1. Congrats! He looks so snuggly! I love the big brother pictures! Our boys are 29 months apart…Your your bundles of Blessings!

  2. Congratulations on your second adorable little pea! Maxwell (and/or Max if that’s what you will call him) is a great name too.

  3. Congratulations…I am so happy for all of you. You are a beautiful family. I love the photos of Caleb and Maxwell; they are both so adorable!!

  4. Congratulations to you Maria and to your family, what a beautiful baby! Enjoy every minute with your littles ones, they grow up so fast.

  5. Congratulations Mommy and Daddy and Caleb!

    Maria and Josh: Praying for you both and for your wonderful blessings that God has given you!

    Have a Joyful Day :~D

  6. Wishing you many blessings! He’s a heartbreaker already.

    Congrats a thousand times over!!!! Will you now be 2 peas and their pods in the plural, hehe?

  7. Congratulations on this most exciting time in your lives. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I look forward to more photos.

  8. He’s beautiful! Congratulations to the family. Caleb looks so proud of his baby brother! 🙂

  9. Congratulations to all of you!! Maxwell is absolutely beautiful! So happy to hear you’re doing well! xo

  10. Congratulations! What a handsome little guy; and how fun they had the same birth weight.

  11. Oh, Congratulations — he’s beautiful (and shares a birthday with my son, who turned 5 Tuesday) — both your boys are beautiful. Enjoy!

  12. Congratulations and Praise The Lord for a safe delivery and healthy baby! Enjoy every minute of snuggling your newborn.

  13. What a precious baby! Congratulations to you all, I know Caleb will be a wonderful big brother.

  14. Congratulations on your new little guy! He is adorable! The pictures of Caleb with the baby are priceless. Many blessing for your family!

  15. Welcome to our world Maxwell! What a cute name and beautiful boy! Many blessings to your family and rest up Maria!

  16. Congratulations Maria, Josh and Caleb! Maxwell is beautiful! I’m so happy for all of you! Much love and hugs, Flavia xo

  17. So happy for all of you! Enjoy this special time together – you’ll have so much fun with your two boys! Congratulations!

  18. Many blessings to you all & on Baby Maxwell’s arrival. What joy those 2 boys will bring you!!! Adorable photos of your boys!

  19. And just like that your family got even more awesome! =) So excited to hear about the new little man in your life! Looking forward to hearing about Maxwell”s adventures in the kitchen with the Lichtys! <3

  20. Congrats!!! What a gorgeous baby and the photos of the boys together is just precious! I imagine you are over the moon right now!! Best wishes!

  21. Congratulations! The amazing thing is that I have a step grandson born at the same time, same day but we live in Queensland Australia. That is simply wonderful. However, Elijah was born at 9 pound 1 oz. So happy for you all. Maxwell is gorgeous!

  22. Congratulations! I love your little guy’s name and I share is birth date!
    I hope you enjoy every second of these precious first days.

  23. They are too precious! How funny that they were exactly the same size! I just had my third little boy a month ago and he was exactly the same weight and length as my #2! Sending love to your family at this sweet time!

  24. Congratulations! Such a handsome boy! Glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy.

  25. So funny Asher weighed 6 pounds 13 oz too!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Enjoy this time – brothers are the best!

  26. Congratulations!! He is just precious!! That is so neat that he & Caleb had the same birth weight/height!

  27. Maria,
    Congratulations! He’s adorable. My sister’s second daughter was the same weight and length as the first too. If they weren’t 4 years apart, they would have looked like identical twins.

  28. CONGRATULATIONS!!! He.Is.Adorable! And the two of them together? Like four times as adorable. Take care, mama

  29. Congratulations ! I have a Maxwell too who turned 13 on Monday. Having 2 boys has been a lot of fun. Enjoy it all!

  30. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. My boys are 21 months apart, and as teenagers, they are still the best of friends. May that hold true for your blessings as well!

  31. Congratulations!! He is beautiful!! And I love the pics with Caleb & Maxwell!! How very sweet 🙂 Enjoy you newest addition to your family!

  32. Congratulations to you all on the arrival of Maxwell.|
    Caleb looks very happy to be a Big Brother.
    Beautiful Photos.

  33. YAY! Congrats to all of you! Super crazy on his stats matching up with Caleb’s!!

  34. Congratulations to you all!! He is a beautiful baby boy,
    such a precious Gift to receive! I love the name you have chosen,
    Enjoy your beautiful little family as you get the needed rest you will need!
    Love and BEST WISHES always!

  35. Congratulations upon your newest son, he looks so sweet and your Caleb looks even sweeter, oh, my doodness sakes alive,two sons, I have only one child a daughter who is 36 she only dated in college fellows from only sons, they could cook, clean and sew almost as well as she could and she has the blue ribbons from our county fair in 4H still on her bedroom wall to prove it..Those fellows all married her college classmates and are wonderful husbands and fathers in fact they cook and stay at home some of them with their only children which happen to be girls, they spoil them rotten and teach them to read before kindergarten and the little daughters have our only childs name either first or second, she introduced them to their husbands, alas she is single but extremely happy, she gets to spoil her god-children and then come back to her place of living and is happy! Congratulations what a doll baby, love your blog and its many healthy and yummy recipes…Tons of blessings, LOVE, JOY AND PEACE GO OUT TO YOU AND YOURS, Ciao!

  36. Your new addition is beautiful…thank you for sharing a very precious moment. I was just looking for another inspirational recipe…..Best wishes and keep up the food blog!

  37. Congratulation – he’s gorgeous! Loving your pictures on Instagram and look forward to reading your birth story!

  38. Congratulations! He is beautiful!! Wishing you and your beautiful family all the joys that being a parent can bring!! A Precious Gift!! love & hugs!