Easy Strawberry Mango Smoothie Recipe

By Maria Lichty

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easy strawberry mango smoothie

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Refreshing Smoothie

We love making these Easy Strawberry Mango Smoothies. They are great for breakfast, snack time, or even dessert. The strawberry mango combo is amazing and the smoothie only takes minutes to make.

How to Make

I used the leftover fruit from our strawberry mango jicama salad to make our smoothies. I blended strawberries, mango chunks, plain Greek yogurt and ice cubes until smooth. I like my smoothies thick, so I didn’t add any liquid, but you can add a splash of fruit juice, milk, or water if you want a thinner smoothie.

The smoothie is so refreshing and the perfect drink for spring and summer. If you don’t have fresh strawberries and mango, you can use frozen fruit. We always keep our freezer stocked so we can make this easy smoothie anytime!

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Strawberry Mango Smoothie Recipe
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Easy Strawberry Mango Smoothie

This easy and refreshing smoothie only takes a few minutes to make! It is great for breakfast or a healthy snack!
4.55 from 44 votes


  • 1 cup sliced strawberries
  • 1 cup peeled, pitted, and chopped mango
  • 6 ounces plain Greek yogurt
  • 6-8 ice cubes


  • Place strawberries, mango, and yogurt in a blender. Blend on high for 30 seconds. Add in the ice cubes and blend until smooth. Pour smoothie into glasses and serve.
  • *Note-if you like a thinner smoothie, you can add a splash of milk or coconut water.


Calories: 123kcal, Carbohydrates: 21g, Protein: 10g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 4mg, Sodium: 34mg, Potassium: 369mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 18g, Vitamin A: 893IU, Vitamin C: 72mg, Calcium: 114mg, Iron: 1mg

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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Vegetarian Summer Spring Kid Friendly Gluten-Free

4.55 from 44 votes (35 ratings without comment)

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  1. It was so great to meet you this weekend at the CBC! I love your blog, and all of your healthy recipes. I’ll be back to visit often!

  2. This does sond refreshing and yummy. 3 more days of school and I feel like i can catch up on my blog reading and cooking. This is on that list as well as your Strawberry, Mango, jicama salad. Love it all Maria. Thumbs up!

    When do we start the count down to Blogher? I’m getting excited all ready!

  3. We love smoothies here! I don’t buy mangoes often enough and need to more!
    I’m with the others. What’s coming up with you? 😉

  4. these sound delightful! glad to hear you have ‘direction’ now! sounds like good news! hope you will share soon! happy memorial weekend!

  5. cheers indeed–this is a beautiful drink! i assume you’ll be sharing your life news soon? 🙂

  6. This smoothie looks great and is a gret way to use up that mango sitting in my fridge. Thanks Maria for sharing, and hopefully you’ll let us know what’s going on with you when appropriate!

  7. Maria, I owe you an email. Best to you and Josh. Love your smoothie, of course- you have such a touch with everything you do. Have a nice day!

  8. congrats on everything, it’s nice to reach a solid decision! this looks just delicious, and very refreshing!

  9. This sounds great Maria and I have everything to make it in my fridge. Perhaps for breakfast this week!

  10. Maria,

    Agreed. Life is crazy.

    You’ve had an emotional few weeks. But think of all the new possibilities. We just heard some good news too, I’ll have to share with you (involving my folks).

    Mangos and strawberries look like the perfect marriage.

    Best of luck to you!


  11. OH my…look at those gorgeous strawberries! Never thought to use mango in a smoothie before!

  12. Maria, I’m looking forward to hearing your news. It’s always such a relief to head in a direction in life that feels right.

    This smoothie sounds so healthy and refreshing.

  13. It sounds like you’ve found contentment of some sort…. good for your!

    Great looking smoothie there girl.

  14. Looks delicious! This is what I love to make for my little guy when he comes home from school 🙂 He loves them… kind of like guilt-free milkshakes, you know?

  15. What a stunning photo, Maria. I’m sure the smmothie tastes everybit as good as it looks. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings…Mary

  16. I’ve got all the ingredients on hand today! I just may be making it! I’m so happy your puzzle pieces are coming together. It’s such a great feeling. Congrats.

    1. Okay, I just made it and am drinking it now! It’s dang good. I made two little changes i used frozen mangos and then added 2 TB of wheat germ.

      It is so good, Maria! Yum.

    2. Becky-Glad you enjoyed the smoothie!

      Thanks everyone for the kind words. I will share my good news sooner or later:) And no, we are not adding another pea to the pod:)

  17. yum! I’m loving all of the mango you’re posting lately—mango is one of my new favorite fruits!

  18. Hey thanks for the link Maria! The smoothie looks awesome! Think I’ll have one for breakfast now 🙂

  19. I made a variation of your recipe for my mother and I. Loving it right now! Thank you. I didn’t have any fruit juice though, so I used plain yogurt and milk.

  20. I made this smoothy tonight and I love the flavor!!! I even got my dad to try it, and gettin hem to eat fruit is a challenge lol. Who ever came up with this resipe thank you a million times over!!!!!!

                                  AdaMay Middleton

  21. 4 stars
    Amazing I made this for my roommate who doesn’t even like mangos and she LOVESSSSS it. It was smooth and delicious very yummy

  22. 2 stars
    Do not recommend plain Greek yogurt.   All you will taste is the bitter flavor of the yogurt and not the fruit.  Try a strawberry or mango flavored Greek yogurt instead.

  23. 4 stars
    Alternative to ice cubes, you can put the mixed smoothie into a freezer for 10-20min depending on how thick you like your smoothie to be. Also recommend adding banana to it as it balances out the sweetness of the other fruit.

  24. 5 stars
    Hi Maria I made this for my granddaughter before her softball game and she loved itthank you for a delicious healthy smoothie

  25. Could i make this with just frozen mango some strawberries and water because I don’t have yogurt?