These raspberry sweet rolls with cream cheese frosting are the perfect treat for breakfast or brunch!

you'll need:

For the Dough: • Yeast • Butter • Sugar • Flour • Hot Water • Eggs • Salt

For the Filling: • Butter • Sugar • Raspberries • Lemon • Cornstarch

For the Filling: • Cream Cheese • Butter • Sugar • Lemon Zest


Add yeast to lukewarm water. Stir and set aside.


In the bowl of a stand mixer, add shortening, sugar, and salt to hot water and beat. Let cool. Stir in flour and mix. Add yeast mixture and mix. Mix in the beaten eggs. Stir in flour and mix. Remove dough from the bowl and place on a floured counter. Knead.


Put dough in a bowl and cover. Let rise. Remove dough from bowl and place on a lightly floured counter. Divide dough in half. Roll dough into a rectangular shape.


Spread dough with softened butter. Sprinkle dough with brown sugar. In a medium bowl, stir together the frozen raspberries, granulated sugar, lemon zest, and cornstarch. Sprinkle raspberry mixture over the dough.


Roll up dough into one long roll. Cut rolls and place into a baking pan. Place rolls in a warm spot and cover with a towel. Let rolls rise. Bake and let cool. Make frosting and spread on rolls. Serve.