This and That

By Maria Lichty

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It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for a NEW This and That post! We hope you enjoy reading what we’ve been up to, what we are loving, what we are cooking, and MORE! If you have any questions for us, please leave a comment! We love hearing from you! Have a wonderful day!


  • I took the boys to the Utah game and it was a good one. Great weather and they got the W.
  • He’s a good guy.
  • Don’t forget to plant bulbs this fall so you have spring flowers.
  • This is awesome.
  • Football Sundays are back. We made nachos last week. This week I am thinking this or these.


  • New this week, a grab and go breakfast, a one pot meal, a fall favorite, and a new quick bread that I LOVE.
  • Our garden is still going strong. I think I’ve picked 147 zucchinis this year, ha. If you still have zucchini, check out all of our zucchini recipes.
  • Staple boots for fall. And love these for a dressed up look.
  • I need to add this to my collection. It’s gorgeous!
  • I’ll take a dozen.
  • New England in the fall has always been on my bucket list. I really need to make that happen.
  • Cozy sweater, cardigan, and pullover.
  • New books coming out this fall. Can’t wait!
  • We usually get family pictures every fall, but I haven’t booked an appointment yet. Maybe we will skip this year. Do you get family pictures every year?
  • Fall kitchen favorites: one, two, three, four!
  • I am a sucker for stripes.
  • Best new restaurants in America. Have you been to any of them?
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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That

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  1. hey y’all- great list!! I would also love to visit New England in the Fall! The temps are better in the morning here( cool) in Oklahoma but warms up during the day-ugh- I am so ready for fall!!

  2. We stopped getting family pictures every year around the time my daughter turned 9. In the earlier years, there was so much change from year to year, but it really stopped around that time, and they are soooo expensive (at least the person we use is), esp. combined with the clothes, fresh hair cuts/ blow drys, etc.. Now we do them every 2-3 years, but I do look for mini-shoots just for her around Christmas time for Christmas cards (though often end up taking a holiday themed snapshot myself that works perfectly for cards).

  3. Love the skeleton spatula will use it while baking your pumpkin recipes this fall. Loving the striped pullover too. Have a great day!

  4. Yes, New England in the FALL is a must. October is a great time to go! Make sure you make the drive to Freedom Maine, to the Lost Kitchen!

  5. We missed family pictures in 2020 when the pandemic version of our jobs and school were so crazy and regret it. Last year when when I tucked copies of our Christmas cards into our kids keepsake boxes I realized that the true value of family pictures is for our kids, and that they’ll notice and miss that skipped year. Also, when we flip back through our pictures, the kids really love seeing us all together and how us parents have changed. We won’t always be here for them, so all the hassle of getting ready for family pictures seems worth it to make sure that many years from now, that the kids have those moments in time saved when they may cherish them the most.

    1. Thank you for this. We, like Maria, have always done family pic but haven’t scheduled anything yet either. I was almost thinking not to for all of the same reasons above but now think we will try to do something. Maybe we will repeat 2020 when we did themed tshirts [we went to Disney right before the world shut down so we did Disney shirts of different IPs]

    2. Thanks for sharing. I always love getting the photos back and having them for years and years!