This and That

By Maria Lichty

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  • It’s cold here, but we don’t have any snow. Major bummer.
  • This guy has been walking in the snow and the results are amazing.
  • What movies have you watched? We give Soul and the new Wonder Woman two thumbs up.
  • We are making homemade pizza tonight to ring in the new year. If you want to do the same, here is our easy pizza sauce recipe and our easy pizza dough recipe. Happy New Year!


  • New this week, the top 10 recipes from 2020 and Our Personal Favorite Recipes from this year! Lots of deliciousness!
  • The week after Christmas is always a blur. I never know what day it is. We have been staying in our cozies playing games, watching movies and sports, cooking, and reading. It’s been so nice to relax.
  • After we took down Christmas, I started organizing all of the things. I bought these baskets for toys, gloves/hats, books, all the things! And these for the fridge.
  • Have you bought a planner for 2021? I didn’t use my 2020 planner because I didn’t go anywhere or do anything, but I am really hoping I will need a planner for next year. I am debating between this one and this one.
  • I watched Bridgerton on Netflix and I liked it, but they could have toned down the sex scenes, too much for me. If you are looking for a new show, this is a good list. I have watched a lot of them:)
  • This is on sale. I have one in our kitchen and love it. I am ordering one for my bedroom.
  • Cleanse your life. Some good tips!
  • The protein powder I use in all of my smoothies!
  • Need help meal planning? Sign up for our newsletter! Every Saturday, I send out an email with recipe ideas for the week!
  • We always stay in for NYE so this year doesn’t seem that different, we just aren’t having any friends over. We are making pizza and these for dessert! We will be in bed well before midnight:)
  • I have lots of new recipes coming your way starting on Monday! Get excited!! Happy New Year friends! Sending you all good vibes for a wonderful 2021!
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4 Recipes Guaranteed to be New Favorites


I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That

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  1. Hi there. I have been following you for what feels like forever and love love your posts!! Your family makes me want to move to Utah! Quick question, I use Vega protein powder but am looking to change. Is the protein powder you use vegan? Why do you like that one? Any flavors you like in particular?

    1. Thanks for following:) I do like their vegan protein powders, both the chocolate and vanilla. They have lots of other flavors, they launch a special flavor every month, but those are whey and not vegan. They always have the vegan chocolate and vanilla though.

  2. HI Maria,
    Glad you and your family had a Merry Christmas. On the planners, I have the one from Amazon, I didn’t think I would use it either once I started working from home, but after 6 weeks I am back working from the office and I like to keep track of projects and my son’s school work. I have really, really liked it and I have it in my cart to buy one for 2021. Hope this helps!
    We’re making steak, seasoned potatoes, red potatoes cut in half and seasoned and they are SOOO good, cream corn and sparkling cider for New Years Eve.
    Have a Happy New Year!

  3. Love all your recipes! Just bought your cook book.
    Like hearing about the snow in your area. Sounds like you are enjoying the holidays, even without many people in to celebrate with you.
    We had Thanksgiving & Christmas dinner with the two of us, first time in our 65 years together. Lucky there are two of us. Saw our children & grandkids briefly with masks. Happy New Year to you & your family!

  4. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes through the year! How did the One Bowl Brownies not make the top 10??? My other favorites of yours are the Parry Rolls (of course!) and pretty much anything else out of your cookbook, for which I just finally got around to leaving a review on Amazon.

    For organization, I love the Ink + Volt planner and how it breaks everything down.

    Thanks again, and happy new year!

    1. I am so glad you are loving our recipes. Thanks for leaving a review, we really appreciate it! Happy New Year!

  5. Hope your family has a Happy New Year. Looking forward to many more awesome recipes in 2021. I love the boys outfits. They look really comfortable.

  6. My daughter and I binge watched some of The Great British Bake-Off holiday shows and we loved the one withe the Derry Girls cast so then we had to look up Derry Girls… There is 2 seasons on Netflix…So good!!!!

  7. We watched Bridgerton as well and yes, the sex was a bit much, but if you look past that it was a good series. It is based, I believe on a Romance novel(s) – not my favorite genre – so I wasn’t surprised.