This and That

By Maria Lichty

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  • We made a summer bucket list and the boys put a lot of the same things down as last year. You can check out our summer bucket list here for ideas. It’s going to be an awesome summer!
  • The Warriors really need to get healthy so they can bring home the big win.
  • Rescue gone wrong.
  • The boys started tennis lessons and are loving the game so far. I am not surprised, they like just about every sport.
  • Speaking of tennis, did you see this? That’s what life is all about.
  • Peloton owners, worth the cost? I prefer mountain biking but would like to get something for the house when I can’t go out on a ride.


  • New this week, our go to salad that goes with every meal and a new easy dinner that my boys love!
  • I had a great time in Vermont with Stonyfield, will share more about my trip soon, but I am in LOVE with Vermont. It is so pretty! I told Josh we have to go back with the boys…and soon!
  • I watched several movies on my long flights last week and my two favorites were Green Book and The Upside.
  • My peonies bloomed and they are so pretty. The only dilemma, do I cut them and make bouquets for the house or leave them outside to keep the yard pretty? Maybe I will cut a few for inside. They are my favorite!
  • These pants are super comfy. Great for travel or every day!
  • I am getting my haircut tomorrow and I kind of want to go short. Do I dare?
  • The cutest summer bag.
  • Genius!
  • Classy swimsuit! Love it in black.
  • Love this workout guide that you can do at home. Perfect for summer when the kids are at home, traveling, or any day!
  • I bought this casual dress in navy and I LOVE it! Great for summer!
  • I have been craving a DQ Blizzard for a few weeks. I think I need to find a DQ this weekend. Heath is my favorite.
  • How to be happy!
  • Come back tomorrow because I am sharing a fun Father’s Day Gift Guide!
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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That

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  1. Leave hair long till summer is over. I love being able to pull mine up in a pony tail during the heat.

  2. Absolutely cut a few peony blooms for the house! I read a hint that as soon as you bring them in the house, dip (not drown!) in bowl of cool water. That will get rid of any ants you may have brought in. Enjoy them

  3. The best time to go back to Vermont is in the fall. The leaves are the absolute best there in the fall.

  4. My hair philosophy is it grows back so give it a try and go short! Summer is a great time to deal with less hair. Just ask your boys – they look so cute with their buzz cuts!

    And I agree with the other poster if you have never experienced an East Coast autumn go back to Vermont in the fall.

  5. hey y’all- great list! I would love to visit Vermont! Can u Take me next time? ha Yes Maria get ur hair cut short- but…not to short. Love the swimsuit! so cool!

  6. Peloton – 100 percent worth it. I’ve had mine since December. I love it. And in addition to spinning you get yoga, meditation and strength training included with your membership.

  7. Love the clothing you posted! I ordered both the dress and the comfy pants. Please keep the recs coming!
    And I agree that you should not cut your hair so short that you cannot pull it into a ponytail. I like my bob, but that is something I regretted when I cut my hair.

  8. Josh – I train on a Wahoo Kickr trainer in the winter. You can control it with one of many apps for training. Love it. Come try mine if you want.