This and That

By Maria Lichty

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1. The end of a great ski season! I had so much fun on the slopes with the boys. Can’t wait until next year!

2. Everyone needs to watch this video.

3. March Madness is over and now there is NBA madness with Magic leaving the Lakers and the playoffs getting ready to start. We will be cheering for the Warriors and the Jazz.

4. The movie Shazam! is awesome! Go see it!

5. Now that ski season is over I am gearing up for mountain biking season and camping season. I hope to take the boys on some fun camping trips this summer. We still can’t convince Maria to come with us..ha!


1. New this week, an easy spring meal and the side dish I could eat every single day of my life.

2. I spent the weekend in Park City with Kodiak Cakes and had the best time! And now Kodiak Cakes is giving you a chance to win an amazing trip to Park City! The giveaway includes flights, lodging, skiing, food, and more! The estimated total is $11K! Make sure you enter NOW! Good luck!

3. I don’t like wearing dresses in the winter time, but LOVE them when it is warm out. I have my eye on this one and this one.

4. Absolutely beautiful!

5. More schools need to do this.

6. This stuff is so good. I am actually in love with all of their products. If you want to try them, this set is a good place to start.

7. Utah is having a hard time finding spring and it is frustrating. I want sunshine and flowers! My dad lives in Illinois and sent me a picture of his backyard. STUNNING! He has been planting daffodils for years and every year the view gets better. Glad I got a little taste of spring this week.

8. Tomorrow is Grilled Cheese Day! I can’t decide if I should celebrate with this one or this one. I might have to make both and eat half of each.

9. Love this basic tee. And if you like stripes, check this top out too!

10. Curry hurt his ankle the other night, but it looks like he will be ready for the playoffs. I am SO excited for the NBA playoffs to start. It is my favorite time of year!

11. I went to an event with BuiltBar this week and tried their protein bars. I was so surprised. They taste like a Charleston Chew candy bar or a chocolate covered marshmallow, but they are healthy! 110 calories, 15 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber…awesome, right? The coconut is my favorite and they are good frozen! If you want to try them, they gave me a discount code! Click here for 10% off! You can also use the code Maria2019.

11. Every Sunday evening we bake cookies, it is our weekly tradition. This week I hope the boys will let me pick because I am craving these!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That

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  1. I am SO excited about that giveaway! And so many great influencers included who I’ve never heard of! Yay I hope I win! Have a great weekend!

  2. hey y’all- great list! Love the daffodils- so pretty! It is looking like spring more all the time here in Oklahoma! We just seen our first iris at our house open yesterday!

  3. I am excited to hear that the boys had a good winter on the slopes with you, Josh! We introduced our boys to skiing early, and they both became much better skiers than my husband and I! Well, we did have one son turn to the dark side and embrace snowboarding, but our love of skiing induced their love of skiing! Well done, and not hard to do living so close to a premier ski mountain! Happy trails!

    1. The boys are sad ski season is over, we had such a fun year! Glad you are enjoying skiing as well.

  4. It would be a ‘dream’ to win this giveaway! I’ve never won a giveaway yet but I’m really hoping for this one!!=)

  5. Kodiak Cakes and BuiltBars are two of my favorite products. Would love a trip to Park City. I learned to ski there or should say I tried to learn to ski. I’m a Florida Girl and the beach, sand, sun and warm weather are more my speed.

  6. I ordered the built bars after I saw this (Coconut) as it drives me crazy most protein bars have around 200 calories! OMG they were so good! I wish I could buy them locally here in AZ.