Sharing Our BIG Secret

By Maria Lichty

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I hate secrets. If you ask me to keep a secret, I will, I am a trustworthy person, but sometimes I would rather not know. I get that we all need to have some secrets, but I still don’t like them. I don’t even like my own secrets. I am horrible at keeping my own secrets. Sometimes I will tell Josh not to tell people something and then I am the one opening my big mouth. It doesn’t matter if the secret is big or small, I just don’t like the burden of keeping a secret. 

Well, today I am sharing a BIG secret. I can’t take it any longer! This secret has been eating me up for weeks. I’ve wanted to tell you all so many times, but I stayed strong. I don’t want to be strong anymore, I just want our secret out in the open.

So here it goes…

Chalkboard Announcement

We are expecting a baby! Yep, another little pea! Our pod is getting cozy! We are SO SO excited! Aggh, it feels so good to get that off my chest.

I am 11 weeks pregnant and I know most people wait until 12 weeks to announce, but I told you, I hate secrets. I can’t take it any longer. We went to our first appointment last week and everything is looking good. We heard the heartbeat and even saw our little, little baby.

It has been so hard to hide this from you…especially since I’ve been so sick. I started getting sick at 5 weeks and it hasn’t left yet. I was sick for 21 weeks with Caleb, but I really hope it doesn’t last that long this time around.

You might have noticed I’ve been a little absent on Instagram and social media. I’ve pretty much lived in my pj’s and on the couch for an entire month. Food hasn’t been my friend. I’ve stayed out of the kitchen as much as possible. I’ve been living off of toast, Einstein bagels, PB&J, grapefruit, oranges, and veggie sandwiches. Vegetables are hard for me to eat right now, but if I surround them by two pieces of bread, I can stomach them. I want carbs all day, every day! Oh, and there were a few days when I was craving Doritos. You heard me right, Doritos? I don’t think I’ve had Doritos since high school, but I ate them with my PB&J and boy did they taste good. I am over them now. Whew! Glad that didn’t last long.

The holidays bought us some time, I was able to post recipe round-ups and didn’t have to create any new recipes. January showed up and Josh took charge and made new recipes for the blog. Things were going well until Josh went skiing and tore his MCL. Now, he is hobbling around on crutches and really shouldn’t be on his feet for very long. So now we are both out of commission. And to top things off, last week I came down with a nasty virus. I had a sore throat, fever, cough, and sinus pain…on top of the nausea. I really think there needs to be a rule that if you are pregnant you aren’t allowed to get sick. Pregnancy is enough!

Luckily, Caleb has been an angel. He has entertained himself and been such a good helper. He loves assisting Josh with his crutches and has been snuggling with me in bed. Caleb is also very excited to be a big brother. He’s not good at keeping secrets either, because he has told a few people that there is a baby in mommy’s tummy:) I guess he takes after me!

We did manage to make a few new recipes over the weekend. We teamed up and conquered. So don’t panic, we will still be posting new recipes, but if we get a little behind or if I start posting crazy recipes due to my pregnancy cravings, you will know why. Our secret is out!

If you are interested in regular pregnancy updates, make sure you follow our Thursday “This and That” posts. (You can subscribe to get all of our posts via email here.) I will be sharing what’s going on with me and the baby until the big day arrives. Oh, and the big day is August 4th. It’s going to be a HOT summer!

And I was going to come up with some super cute and creative way to announce that we are expecting, but then my nausea got the best of me. Some days I am lucky if I take a shower, so sorry there aren’t any fun photos! I am just keeping it real and simple here. WE ARE HAVING A BABY!! We are thrilled our pod is growing!

Thanks for letting me share our secret with you…and don’t worry, I am not asking you to keep our secret a secret. You can tell your friends, family, dog, cat…whoever you want!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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Little Pea

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  1. CONGRATS!!!!!! I am sooooo excited for you guys! Hang in there with your sickness. I was sick the whole time too but I wasn’t writing a food blog at the time. That’s gotta be so hard, Maria. I hope things turn around fast for you! And what exciting news!!! 🙂

  2. Congrats! I have been following you for a long time and I pin A LOT that you post! I have not had a recipe not be great yet!! I am commenting now because we are expecting too! I am just two weeks ahead of you.. Due July 19!! So congrats and I am excited to see you through your journey and I’ll be right there with you! Feeling sick and all!! I have been juicing to get those veggies in.. Some days easier than others but much easier than chewing veggies!! Lol! Congrats!

  3. Congratulations on this very exciting news. I have been following you since Caleb was just a few weeks old. I look forward to continuing to watch your beautiful family grow.

  4. Congratulations!!! How exciting to have another little pea in your life. Can’t wait to start seeing pictures on Instagram later this year. Let me know if you need any roundup help to fill in. 🙂

  5. SO glad you are finally able to share! Like I said, I think Caleb is going to be such an awesome older brother. Excited for you three!!

  6. A great big Congrats to you and your family. There is no greater joy then that. Hope the nausea quits and you all are back to feeling better physically. 🙂 Because with news of a new baby that’s is the best.
    Carol L

  7. Wow you are a good secret keeper!!! My friend is due in August and I’ve known for a month- haha. So thrilled and excited for Caleb to be a big brother!!

  8. Congrats to you and Josh! And to big brother Caleb too! Hope you start feeling better soon.

  9. Aww…congratulations to you and Josh, Maria! Best wishes for an easy and smooth pregnancy with your little sweet pea. I’ve been nauseous before and really enjoyed crunching and munching on freeze-dried fruit by Just Tomatoes, Etc.! ( I get mine from Whole Foods Market and adore the bananas, strawberries, cherries and peaches. They even have cranberries, grapes and…peas! 😉 Hope this helps and you are feeling better soon! xo

  10. Hi Maria,

    I read your blog very regularly because your and I have similar food tastes/philosophies. I am so pleased with your news and completely understand because I am 12 weeks pregnant and have been so, so, so sick. I have lived on carbs (not my usual) and in my bathrobe (also not my usual). The only recipe I have been able to stomach was the Greek Kale Salad.
    My poor husband has moved the microwave down to the basement and heats food and eats down there.
    Congratulations on your big news. I know exactly how you feel!


  11. The very best secret to tell!! I have been following you almost from the beginning and love watching your growth -in all ways. Blessings to you all and returning feeling better to you Maria. Congratulations!

  12. Check out preggo pops. The are a lolipop- like and really help with nausea. The nurses in the maternity unit highly reccomend them.

  13. Congratulations! And I had to laugh at the Doritos cravings – I was just telling my mom that I really craved those and gummy lifesavers with my first baby and she couldn’t believe it. I’m always a sweets girl, but just loved crunchy, salty, and gummy stuff with my first baby! Best wishes!

  14. Congratulations! My DIL is having a baby in March and she went through the same thing. It did get better for her and I hope it gets better for you real soon.

  15. Congratulations!!! I knew as soon as I read …I have a secret…what it was 🙂 I have enjoyed reading your posts especially regarding Caleb bc I had a baby soon after yours – she turns 2 tomorrow. My bday is August 5th 🙂

  16. Congratulations to you all! I love following you and your family and your recipes are great, I pass them to our kids who love them as well. You have had a bit of a rough start to 2014, but with a new life growing it will get better. Best wishes for a short morning sickness stretch and also for a fast heal to Josh. Caleb is such a joy! Best wishes for a better 2014.

  17. SO EXCITED! You’re my favorite Mommy cooking blog, and I can’t wait to see what this newest pea adds to your lives and your cooking. 🙂 You guys make the cutest babies! Congrats!

  18. That’s why you haven’t gone skiing yet. 😉 Congratulations. And just remember, my doctor told me once, “The only thing worse than having a baby in August, is having one in September.” So you’ve got that going for you. (My second son’s birthday is Sept. 6.) Hope you feel better soon!

  19. So exciting!!! Congrats :] My email feed just showed the “We have a big secret” and my stomach dropped – I was hoping that was the announcement!!!

  20. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!! My oldest of 3 is 17 today and I can not believe how fast it goes. I,too, have enjoyed every minute of my 3 kiddos. I do not want them to leave our pod too soon!!! Congrats to you and your family.

  21. Congrats! I’m so excited for you, Josh and Caleb. What a lovely secret. 🙂

    I hope you start feeling better soon too!

  22. Yay!! Congratulations!

    I don’t know how you kept the secret for 11 weeks. We’re also expecting (in April/May) but I couldn’t wait longer than 8 weeks, although I tried 😉

  23. Congrats!!!! I was sick the entire time — I feel your pain! Hopefully it goes away asap. Caleb is going to be a great big brother! Congrats!!!!

  24. Ahhh! Congratulations! Sorry you are plagued with morning sickness but hopefully it will not last long. Thanks for good news this a.m. I’m giving up reading newspapers. So many sad and weird stuff happening! So glad to hear your happy news!

  25. Congrats, Maria and Josh (and Caleb :))! So exciting!! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  26. How exciting! Congratulations! That will be so much fun! My daughters are 2 years and 8 months apart. It’s a good interval. My older daughter was due August 31st, but was born on August 4th. (She snuck out a little early!)

    I hope you and Josh are feeling better soon! It’s not fair for both of you to be under the weather at the same time!

  27. Congrats Maria and Josh! I just found out I’m expecting our first! Due end of August or early September. YAY!

  28. What great news! Congrats to you and the family and best wishes on conquering the morning sickness….my advice is never take prenatal vitamins on an empty stomach. I thought my usual favorite foods tasted weird the first trimester but after 12 weeks everything started to taste more normal. Any cravings yet?

  29. Congrats! I’m so happy for you. Hang in there – you’re almost over the worst part. Sorry about Josh.

  30. Congrats!!!! Such fun and exciting news. Hoping you feel better soon from the nausea. Thanks for bringing all of us along this new adventure. Caleb is going to be a great big brother!
    p.s. So sorry about Josh’s torn mcl! I tore my acl a few years ago and remember how painful it was. Good luck to him!

  31. I’ve only been following you for about a week now, but I just wanted to say Congrats on the little one!!!!
    I will be anxious to hear how the pregnancy goes for you and your family.

  32. Hello, my name is Chris, with Dawn Star Press. We recently published an eBook that seems like it would be a good topic for your blog, and I was wondering if you would be interested in a free copy in return for a mention or entry in your blog. If so, please respond to with what format you would prefer to receive it in. The book is KNOW ENOUGH: Ethnic Cuisines, a common man’s guide to food from around the world and the cultures that created them.

  33. I could not be happier for you, Josh and Caleb! What a blessing! I sure hope the morning sickness passes soon!!! xo

  34. SO. Very. Crazy. I am too pregnant right now (just about 2wks ahead of you) and while with my other 2 I was out of the yucky phase by now, I am VERY much still in it. I am always cooking/baking and loving to eat, but since 5wks I have been in survival mode. lol. I think I have made a legitimate dinner 3x since I was 6wks along. And to top it all off, I TOO got the flu last week. It knocked me off my feet for a whole week. I completely agree that getting sick while pregnant just shouldn’t happen. Any who, just thought that was crazy. A big congrats to you! I hope you start feeling better. Here is to a long, hot Summer 😉

  35. Congrats! Hope that sickness goes away quickly. I can’t imagine being pregnant while being a food blogger. All that queasiness. Yuck!
    Just know, the food world will still be here when you’re feeling better. Enjoy some time with your little guy before the new little one ‘takes over’. 🙂

  36. Congratulations!!! How exciting!!! Here’s a tip – put your doritos ON your pbj. You can thank me later 😉

  37. Now THAT was a secret worth spilling! Congratulations to you, Josh and Caleb! Sending healthy and positive thoughts your way 🙂

  38. I always has morning sickness and hated how horrible it made me feel. When our daughter was pregnant she had it too. Our chiropractor said it was a vitamin b 6 deficiency and mentioned magnesium, too.

    You can take vitamin b 6 but I’d recommend looking for the Garden Of Life brand. I’m not sure if they sell a vitamin b 6 but they do sell a prenatal vitamin and I’m sure that it is good!

    I was taking vitamin b12 and never felt much of a change but after talking to a sales girl at Natural Grocers, she Highly recommended the Garden Of Life brand and I swear it gives you way more energy than any other brand!

    Also check out

    She talks about morning sickness, too!

    Take care. Feel better. Congrats on your great news, too!

  39. I just clicked on the link to mommypotamus and she has the real reason for morning sickness on the right side of her page. Scroll down just a little bit and you’ll find it. It’s a cartoon pic of a woman hugging the toilet bowl.

  40. Congratulations to you and your family. Is it coincidence, do you think, that my daughter is expecting and is due in August ? And her little guy is the same age as Caleb? And she has been so sick, too! Talk about “two peas” :o) Look forward to following your posts and love this blog, your recipes are great.

  41. Great News Maria and Josh congrats..I’m soo excited for you both and me to I get to watch another one grow up ,It’s soo much fun I can’t have any of my own so you giving me the pleasure of watching your family grow it’s fun,I have been doing your recipes since before you got pg with Caleb (that little cutie) and now another little pea I’m so excited for caleb he;s going to be a good big brother,feel better Marie hugs

  42. Congratulations! I am 12 weeks along with my second and very excited for my son to become a big brother as well! Right now I am hungry all the time but also living on ginger ale to deal with the sickness. Hopefully you will feel better soon and can’t wait to hear how your pregnancy progresses.

  43. Oh, how wonderful! I certainly hope you’re not sick the whole time. My daughter-in-law just had our second grandson and she was terribly sick up unti the minute he was born!
    I’m so excited to see this adorable baby ’cause Caleb is the cutest thing ever!
    You guys sure make a beautiful “pod”!

  44. Congratulations! I loved reading this post and with how adorable Caleb is, I can hardly wait to see your new pea!

  45. Congratulations to your family! I hope your nausea subsides. Must not be fun being a food blogger and not be able to enjoy the food. I was obsessed with peanut butter with two of mine. Pb&j with Fritos corn chips every single day. And both boys continue to eat the same almost every day for lunch. Good luck! First trimester is almost over and hopefully the nausea too.

  46. Congratulations!! I’m due in July so I know just how you feel. I’ve totally be wanting only carbs and chips which I usually never buy! Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for continuing to post even though you haven’t felt well. I love your recipes and your website is my go to when I’m looking for ideas. So thanks for sharing your talent and recipes!

  47. Congratulations on this new blessing! I hope you start feeling better soon-I know it’s not easy ‘being green’!

  48. Congratulation on your new blessing. Ginger snaps might help. It was like the more kids I had, the less smells I could handle. Once again, Congratulation to you all!!

  49. Congratulations to your family! I can totally relate – I am also due in August and have been living the same lifestyle as you (jammies, sick, trying to think of things to eat, Doritos ha ha). Really hope you start feeling better soon and have a great pregnancy!

  50. Yay, congratulations Maria! That is such wonderful and exciting news! Yay that Caleb will be a big brother in August 🙂 Hope you better soon 🙂

  51. So happy to hear your wonderful news – early welcome to your baby – who will soon enjoy being surrounded by exceptional (food wizzard) genius parents who share their love and joy!

  52. Yaaaaaaay!!! Congratulations! Caleb will make the best big brother. I hope you feel better soon. Morning sickness is no fun. Soooo excited for you!!! XO

  53. So happy for you Two Peas and their pods….Congratulations…hope your feeling well. thank you for posting so many delicious recipes. The tomato soup was delicious and so was the roasted cauliflower soup…will make more of your delicious recipes. Best to all,

  54. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so excited for you!! I’m an Aug birthday too 🙂 It’s a good one!
    I hope you feel better soon! I was recently looking at your IG and thinking “sheesh she’s been sick lately … and for awhile now… ” I hope you find relief!

  55. Congrats! It’s funny, I thought maybe the big news was you got a cooking show or something similar 🙂 A baby is much better!! Good luck! And cheers to a better appetite in your second trimester.


  56. I am sooooooo happy for you! I can appreciate what you’re saying about keeping secrets — especially exciting ones like this 🙂 I wish you, your wee babe, Josh and Caleb many happy memories in the next few months (well, the wee one won’t have any conscious memories but that’s not important), this is such a wonderful time to celebrate being a family. I will be praying for an uneventful pregnancy for you and your wee one. If its any consolation, I had nausea for 12 weeks and then it just quit! That was a long time ago but the memory of the day of the last nausea and waking up the next day with none are still vivid in my mind — I’m talking over 38 years ago! I hope you are soon feeling much better and able to just enjoy the pregnancy.

    Best wishes

  57. Congratulations!!! I love your blog! I hope your pregnancy goes well, and Caleb loves his little brother or sister!!

  58. Congratulations! That is VERY exciting and I’m right there with you, I can’t keep exciting secrets like that either.

  59. Congratulations! What fabulous news!! I was wondering if you two would be adding any more peas to your pod!! 🙂

  60. Congrats! How crazy! I have been following you since you were preg with Caleb and I was pregnant too. Now I am pregnant with baby number two and due on August 4th too!! I’m very sick too!! Gosh how funny the similarities. 🙂

  61. CONGRATULATIONS to you all on your new little sweet pea you’re adding to your pod.
    Hope you get feeling better soon!

  62. Congratulations, Maria and Josh! I hope your appetite comes back quickly – it is no fun to feeling queasy during a pregnancy. Crossing fingers you wake up one day feeling terrific – and blessings and a cheer for #2!

  63. WoW, great news!!! Congratulations!!! So very Happy for you and your family!!! I hope you start to feel better soon. I’m looking forward to seeing some new recipes and hearing about how you’re doing as well!! 😀

  64. Congratulations!! So excited for you! Can’t wait to follow along with your pregnancy!

  65. Congratulations! Hope you will be feeling better soon. Increasing my protein intake, even though the thought of it was revolting at the time, took away my morning sickness. Sometimes protein deficiency can cause morning sickness.

  66. Congratulations!!! That is such awesome news! Sorry you are so sick, hopefully by next week you will have energy and be feeling better.

  67. Maria and Josh, I’m so excited for you guys! How good it must feel to finally let the world know 🙂 I’m not one for secrets, either. I hope that as the weeks pass you begin to feel better and better, especially in the kitchen. Caleb is going to be the most adorable big brother! Hugs!

  68. If that next child is half as adorable as the first one, you really hit the jackpot. Every child is perfect in their own way but you knocked it out of the park with Caleb. So, so happy for you two, oops, three, Caleb will be right in the middle of everything as usual.

  69. CONGRATS!!! As soon as I saw the subject line of your post in my email box, I was hoping it might be a pregnancy announcement! So excited for your new little pea!

  70. YAY!!! Congratulations! I’m so excited for you, sweet friend. All that practice finally paid off. 😉

    Caleb will make a great big brother, I can just tell.

  71. Wonderful news! Congrats to all of you on such a huge blessing! Sorry about the nausea-I remember it well. Take care!

  72. Congratulations! I’ll be 14 weeks on Wednesday. Due July 16th. I look forward to lots of baby posts! And maybe a few pickle recipes. 🙂

  73. So happy for you. I love your blog and can’t believe Caleb is getting so big. Hope you start feeling better soon.

  74. Congrats to you your hubby and Caleb. As a Christmas present we found out that our daughter and son in law where expecting also. They sent us a 1st year photo book of our grandson Wyatt. At the very end of it was a photo that had 4 frames 1 with my son in laws shoes on a chair, one of my daughters and one of our grandson’s Wyatt shoes the 4th one was a bunny with Aug. 2014 on a notecard. You two are about the same in terms of your weeks along. 2014 is going to be a very exciting year for our family and yours!

  75. Congratulations! What a cute fun family! I’m sorry for your sickness, it’s the worst.

    Take Care!
    Susan Strayer

  76. Best wishes. We are parents of five grown children and expecting our first grand baby! Hearing from a lot of people we have some great stuff in store. Wishing you the very best!

  77. Maria, I’m thrilled for all three of you! What wonderful news! And you will have a Leo – the best sign. (Can you tell I’m a Leo?) I know this was a long and well thought out decision for you and I’m glad you are in the place. I hope the nausea leaves you soon. You should eat whatever and whenever you want. Your body tells you what you need. Even if it is Doritos! Lots of love to you guys.

  78. YAY!

    Caleb is going to be the best big brother! <3 Congratulations darling girl! Much love to you and Josh, and hopefully this time is much easier

    <3 <3 <3 <3

  79. Congratulations from Dominican Republic! Im a huge follower and love your recipes! God Bless this little pea! Kisses!

  80. I knew it! As soon as you posted: I have a big secret! I guessed it before I opened it up. Congrats! You’ll have to let us know the sex soon. I hope it’s a little sister for Caleb!

  81. How amazing! I LOVE IT! You are so very very blessed! Strawberries for acid reflux and nettle tea. I am sure you have heard it all though! Doritos! OMG thank goodness you are over it!

  82. CONGRATS!!! Now I think you might have to change that to Two peas and their you are feeling better!!

  83. Awesome, congrats! I cannot wait until I have news like this to share 😉 We have two and want to get pregnant with #3 in the near future!

  84. Congrats you three! That’s so exciting :)! You’re little one will love having a best friend. Two is the best.

  85. I can only imagine how hard it is to keep such a great secret for so long! Congratulations on you big news!!

  86. Congratulations!!! I’m sure you are getting a lot of these comments. Just wanted to add to the list. I am happy for you all.

  87. Congratulations!! Only do what you can until you get over all the illness, nausea and injury. Any parent understands! Truly happy for all of you!

  88. Yay, the secrets out!! SO excited for you two – the best and most deserving parents. Love you two and HUGE congrats again!! xo

  89. How wonderful! Congratulations! “Morning” sickness can be brutal, I know, so you have my sympathy along with my congrats. But you’ll be on the other side before you know it! 🙂

  90. Congrats! Such wonderful news! My first Son’s bday is Aug 4th. It was a veeerrry hot summer, but I made it through. Very easy to wear light clothes and flip flops. Feel well and looking forward to all the updates.

  91. Congratulations! I look forward to watching another perfect little pea grow. I hope the sickness passes soon, I can totally empathize!

  92. Hello Maria, I am very happy to know your secret! I wish much happiness and good health during pregnancy to keep posting delicious foods!

  93. oh you guys!!! What GREAT news!! I’m so happy for you two!! I bet Caleb is so excited too!!! Congrats again!

  94. EEP!!!! So excited for you guys!!! Another little pea!!!

    Hope you are feeling much better soon! Enjoy those Doritos!

  95. Oh Maria- I am so happy for you!!!! warmest congratulations on your blessing! I was never sicker (morning sickness plus every virus that rolled through town) then when I was pregnant. Your immune system is just beat up. You are doing the right thing by resting- just take time for yourself 🙂 Lots of love and best wishes!!

  96. I am beyond thrilled for you and your family!! Caleb is going to be a wonderful big brother!! Congrats!! xoxo

  97. Congratulations to you both! May you have a lifetime of happiness with your newest blessing! 🙂

  98. Ugh, I’m soooo behind in my blog reading! Best gift you can ever give to a child, is another one. Congratulations!

  99. Eeeee how exciting! I’m so happy for you guys, congrats!! 🙂 If the new little one is half as cute as Caleb you’ll have done w

  100. Congrats! We must be due at the same time! I am 12 weeks as of yesterday and due august 1st with no. 2 🙂 I think the worst of my nausea has passed (thank God!) but food and I are still very much not friends. All for a good cause, right?? 🙂

  101. Congrats! baby news is always exciting. I am with you on the sickness though. We are expecting a baby in July and I have been miserable. I found that writing about has helped. Feel free to stop by and say hi at

  102. Congrats to you guys.. I have been absent from my mail for a while, but saw your BIG secret. I’m SO happy for you guys.. I LOVE all your posting and recipes.

  103. So now you will be three peas in a pod?!!! You will remind me of the Toy Story Peas in a Pod characters! How fun!

  104. Congrats! I chuckle as you reminded me that with my third I have a wicked Cheetos craving that had not occurred since 4th grade. All of a sudden I just HAD to get to a 7-11 for Cheetos. Gotta just roll with it…good luck and hope you feel better soon.

  105. Hooray! We’re all so very very happy for you and your beautiful growing family. Caleb will be a great brother!

  106. Congratulations! I have two midsummer babies, and you’re definitely in for a hot summer, but it’s always worth it in the end! Looking forward to meeting the new pea!

  107. Congratulations!! I, too, was nauseous during the entire time of my pregnancies. It’s not fun, but at least you know it’s for a finite amount of time! I wish you health (hopefully by now the virus has gone!) for all of you! What a wonderful way to start the year.

  108. Yay! So bummed to hear you’re not feeling very well. Let me know if I can ever bring you something you’re craving!! Hope this little pea will give you a break soon.

  109. I am also expecting my second baby and due 2 days after you! I second the feeling of not wanting to keep the secret any longer! Oh and I the morning sickness =P. Best of luck to you!

  110. Congratulations, Maria, Josh & Caleb!! Wonderful news. And Maria – I feel you on the nausea, girl. It’s a nightmare! We are expecting baby #2 in July and at 16 weeks I’m still not feeling great. Nothing worse than having to endure “morning” sickness while trying to create & photograph food!! I’ve been dying over here too! Big hugs to you all.

  111. Congrats! very exciting news!
    I have just started to use a lot of your recipes and my whole family has really enjoyed them. I have a question for you. I am also pregnant, due the beginning of June, and am already thinking of meals I can freeze in preparation of our third child. Maybe this one will be as easy going as our second, but our first threw us for a loop, and I couldn’t manage to cook for quite awhile, so I am planning to be prepared incase life gets crazy.
    Since we’ve really liked your recipes, I was wondering if you have any recommendations for freezable meals. I am planning to test some recipes out and then make a bunch closer to my due date to have ready in the freezer. I did this before number two and some were great, some just didn’t reheat well at all. Thanks.
    Hope you feeling well, and thanks for all the yummy recipes!

    1. I am so glad you are enjoying our recipes! Congrats to you! A lot of our meals are freezer friendly…a lot of the soups, chili, stacked enchiladas, quinoa baked, baked pastas, lasagnas, waffles, pancakes, muffins, etc.

  112. Congrats on your wonderful news! It is actually very nice to read someone else in the same boat. I am pregnant myself, though for the first time, and feel like I just read exactly what I am going through. I am also due in August, and it will be nice to follow your experience. I absolutely love your receipts, though am not able to enjoy them too much right now. Much love!

  113. Congratulations! I have an idea when I was little my mother would Bake saltine crackers. There is something about warm saltines calmed my tummy. It doesn’t take very long just so they are lightly browned. I guess it’s because they are dryer. Don’t know why that makes a difference saltines are dry anyway. And last but not least Caleb can have some too.

  114. Maria, I have just read your post and cried. It touched me to the deepest part of my soul. I have a little boy who is going to turn one next week and I am still vey fresh with the excitement of pregnancy and growing baby. I am wishing you all so much happiness!!! Congratulations 🙂