Salad with Maple Mustard Dressing

By Maria Lichty

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I love salads, especially in the summer when it is hot and you don’t feel like cooking! I am sharing my favorite salad dressing of all time. It is so delicious! I could almost drink it…ok, maybe not but you get the point!

I usually serve this dressing on mixed greens with candied nuts and fruit. Almonds are my nut of choice but pecans and walnuts are good too. Any fruit will work, but I like using pears or apples, red grapes, and of course Craisins! They make the salad pretty and add a nice sweetness. Go crazy and add some feta cheese too! It makes it really good!

Maple Mustard Dressing

makes 2 cups

4 cloves garlic
1 T Dijon mustard
1 T Grainy mustard
⅓ c real maple syrup
⅓ c imitation maple syrup
⅓ c apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
1 c canola oil

Process garlic, mustards, syrups, vinegar, salt and pepper in a blender or food processor.

With the machine running, pour in oil in a slow steady stream to emulsify.

Serve over salad greens, etc.Store extra dressing in the fridge. It makes a lot!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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Vegetarian Salads Sauces/Condiments

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  1. I never had maple syrup in a salad! It sounds delicious and i think even a sald hater might enjoy a salad like this!

  2. I love nuts in my salads, all kinds. This dressing with the maple syrup would be a perfect complement. I look forward to giving it a try.

  3. This one definitely sounds like a great dressing! I like home made dressings, especially because you know what is going into it!

  4. I have a maple mustard dressing that I love too, but I’ve got to try your version. It looks and sounds heavenly. Maple just screams fall to me.

  5. What a flavor combination! Intriguing…

    The house looks like it is coming along, don’t forget to post pics of the finished project!

    Those Scones look amazingly good too. I’ve been meaning to make some myself for a while. I am going to make a savory version but I think I might not be able to resist this one you have posted for now!

  6. This looks like a fabulous dressing for salads that containc some fruit and/or nuts! Never tried maple syrup in a salad dressing…always a first time.

  7. Wow! I just made this dressing and it was incredible! I used it over a salad with baby spinach, walnuts, red grapes, feta cheese, and dried cranberries. YUMMY!!