Recipe for Berry Scones

By Maria Lichty

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Is everyone ready for Easter? Any fun plans? We are going to see Wicked tomorrow! Yahoo! It FINALLY came to Salt Lake City! Josh bought the tickets almost a year ago, he is the best! I have never seen it so I am super excited. For Easter, we are going to the Dewey’s to celebrate. Should be a fun filled weekend.

I always eat breakfast, it is my favorite meal of the day. I usually eat a Fiber One or another healthy cereal at my desk. Not the ideal situation, but it works:) On weekends I try to be a little more creative with my choices. I recently made these berry scones and they were a nice treat.

I love scones, I usually make Dorie’s Cream Scones, but this time I tried a recipe from King Arthur Flour. I was intrigued by the yogurt in the recipe. I usually use cream or buttermilk, not yogurt.

The dough was a little different, not the typical scone dough. It was really dry. I tried not to mix it too much because you don’t want to overmix when making scones. The dough wouldn’t come together though, so I added a little more yogurt. That helped, but my dough was really colorful! I probably over mixed it. Oops! I liked how easy these were, I used an ice cream scoop to drop the dough onto my baking sheet. PLOP and you are done!

The scones baked up nicely. I loved the almond extract, lemon, and berry flavor combo. They were nice and blue too:) They didn’t have the traditional scone feel though, they were more moist. I liked them, but not what I was expecting. I think they were a mix of muffins, scones, and biscuits? Is that possible?

If you are having company this weekend for breakfast or brunch, give these a try!

Berry Scones
Adapted from King Arthur

(Printable Recipe)

2 cups All-Purpose Flour
½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
6 tablespoons cold butter, cut into pieces
1 cup frozen mixed berries
2 large eggs, beaten
¼ cup vanilla yogurt (I added about 2 more Tablespoons)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
½ teaspoon almond extract
2 tablespoons coarse sugar, for sprinkling on top

Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly grease a baking sheet, or line with parchment.

Whisk the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the butter and work it into the dry ingredients till the mixture is unevenly crumbly; use your fingers, a pastry blender, or an electric mixer. Gently mix the blueberries with the dry ingredients.

Stir together the eggs, yogurt, vanilla extract, lemon zest or oil, and almond extract. Add to the dry ingredients and stir very gently, just until combined. The dough will be quite moist, like cookie dough.

Use a muffin scoop, jumbo cookie scoop, or 1/4-cup measure to scoop the dough onto the prepared sheet in scant 1/4-cupfuls, leaving about 2″ between each. Brush each ball of dough with a bit of milk or cream, and sprinkle with coarse sugar.

Bake the scones for 20 to 24 minutes, or until lightly browned and a cake tester inserted into a scone comes out dry. Remove from the oven, and serve warm. To reheat, wrap loosely in aluminum foil, and bake in a preheated 350°F oven for about 8 to 10 minutes.
Yield: 12 scones

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. I hope you enjoy seeing Wicked! I have wanted to see if for a while but never get around to it… which is a poor excuse seeing as I live 45 minutes away from NYC, lol.

  2. Those look delish I must say and I am SOOO jealous you are seeing Wicked, I waited too long until the only tickets were a bajillion dollars!

  3. I love scones regardless of whether they’re made with buttermilk, cream, or yogurt, and these berry scones look and sound fabulous. Definitely going to try them!

  4. i love berries, be it strawberry, blackberry, or raspberry… your scones are winners!!! happy easter… 🙂

  5. I was just thinnking about using yogurt for scones the other day, but I didn’t because I’m so used to sour cream and cream that I was afraid they would turn out differently from the lack of fat. I actually love how the berries bled into your dough.. so much more colourful!

  6. I keep saying for weekends I will get better at breakfast foods. However, man sleeping in always wins over slaving over a stove.

    These look great and sound great too!

  7. i think i prefer scones in a round shape, and i know i prefer scones laden with berries and purple-y in color. very nice. 🙂

  8. I’m picturing myself grabbing one of these fresh out of the oven, slightly burning my finger tips but I HAVE to smear butter into the warm center!

  9. I’m glad you liked the scones. I’ll bet they tasted as good as they look! Wicked is my absolute favorite. Hope you had fun! Molly@KAF

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