Recipe for Apricot Sorbet

By Maria Lichty

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We had a great weekend. Josh’s mom came to visit and so did our friends from Colorado. They have five kids so it was quite the party! We went hiking, stopped by the farmer’s market, went swimming at the Dewey’s, and did a lot of cooking, baking, and grilling. We love having guests, it was nice having extra mouths to feed. It gave me an “excuse” to cook and bake more:)

On Friday night Josh made grilled pizza for dinner. I was in charge of dessert:) I used the other half of the apricots from our neighbors tree to make sorbet. It was so easy and the texture was amazing! The sorbet is very creamy, but no cream or milk was needed. Just apricots, sugar, water, and a splash of vanilla.

I am so glad our neighbors let us pick their apricots. This sorbet is heavenly! The perfect ending to a meal on a hot summer night.

Apricot Sorbet
The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz

(Printable Recipe)

2 lbs. squishy-ripe fresh apricots (about 10-15, I used more because mine were small)
1 cup water
1 cups sugar
3 drops almond or vanilla extract (I used vanilla)

Split the apricots in half, remove the pits, and cut each half into thirds. Combine the apricot wedges and water in a medium nonreactive saucepan and cook, covered, over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Heat until cooked through, about 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar. Let the mixture cool to room temperature.

Once cool, puree the mixture in a food processor or blender until smooth. Taste a spoonful and if there are any small fibers, press the puree through a mesh strainer. Stir in the almond or vanilla extract. Cover and chill thoroughly in the refrigerator.

Freeze the mixture in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. I agree- having guests is fun because it means you get to cook/bake more!!! This sounds totally refreshing. I am planning on making your key lime pie bars next week for Josh as part of my anniversary presents

  2. I've made the peach variation of this sorbet, and we loved it! Love the color of yours and can just imagine the flavor…

  3. Looks so good! I am going to have to pass this one to my parents since they have an overabundance of apricots. I love the photos- beautiful colors.

  4. good for u for taking (having) neighbors fruit! lol. love the sound of pizza and sorbet!

    B @

  5. gotta do this w/ my white peaches instead of making ice cream. The egg yolks/heavy cream totally overwhelmed the subtleness of the white peaches. hanks for the reminder. (This looks uber easy)

  6. yummm this sounds delicious and totally refreshing! I'll send you some chocolate covered marshmallow cookies and you send some of this… I'm sure it won't melt in the mail 🙂

  7. I love the color of the sorbet! It looks so beautiful and refreshing… Great recipe!

  8. yum! I love apricots…especially fresh from a tree (the ones at the store don't even do this fruit justice). I really need to invest in an ice cream maker.

    1. You can just freeze in a pan and when frozen put in blender until smooth.  Not as easy but it does work.

  9. I love how simple this is! Man I keep seeing so many good recipes that require an ice cream maker… I may need to break down and get one!

  10. it's gorgeous! i love the pale, pastel hue, and i think i'll always be up for some squishy-ripe apricots-turned-sorbet!

  11. The color is gorgeous and I bet it was a perfect ending to a summer meal! I wish I had a neighbor with an apricot tree…

  12. tried grilling a pizza today! ok, ok, so we're a few months behind. any tips on how to keep the pizza dough solid-like on the grill? mine got all stretchy and wonky. still yummy, but not cute.

  13. Way to use up those apricots with style! That's an awesome dessert after some grilled pizza, nice and sweet. The color pretty much says it all 🙂

  14. I love fruit sorbets and yours look so refreshing! Hope you have recovered from your weekend but it sounded like lots of fun.

  15. I was lucky enough to be able to eat this absolutely wonderful apricot sorbet. It was outstanding! But everything Maria maks is outstanding! I had a marvelous time with Josh and Maria — they are quite the excellent hosts! Looking so forward to my next visit with them! Thanks again you two! Love you, Momma Kathy

  16. You know I don't think I've eaten an apricot. The color of your ice cream is gorgeous!

    WOW, five kids! I pull my hair out with three. :))

  17. I love sorbet! This apricot version sounds so good, lately I have been making cantelope sorbet because they are so sweet from the market but I think I need to seek out some apricots.

  18. Did you have to strain your apricots through a fine mesh strainer? What type of fine mesh strainer?

  19. Yes, I used a fine mesh strainer. You don't have to but it makes the texture much smoother! I have a cheap one, nothing special.

  20. Woo hooo!!! Apricots have just came into season here and I am starting to see them pop up at the farmer's market. Can't freaking wait to get them now. Was planning on a nutella ice cream this weekend and if I have the maker going might as well make more ice cream……

  21. Maria, this looks so light and refreshing! I’ll have to try this as soon as apricots start appearing! Thanks for the link! I’ll be including it.

  22. Looks delicious and refreshing! I just bought The Perfect Scoop and can’t wait to start using it. 🙂

  23. What a fun way to enjoy apricots! I always get a bagful from our friends in the middle of the summer and some of them end up going rotten before we get to them. This would be a great way to use them up.

  24. I love love love sorbet. Such a wonderful, guilt-free summer treat. This looks gorgeous! Love that color.

  25. This sorbet is amazing! I think I used more apricots than the recipe calls for, because it pitted them first and them weighed them. But they started out as relatively flavorless and the cooking really concentrated the flavors. It’s perfect and I’m definitely making it again. 

    1. Substitute for what?? 🙂 Add it? If you like lemon, I am sure it would be fine.