Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

By Maria Lichty

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Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies on twopeasandtheirpod.com Gluten-Free Cookies that are AMAZING!

Our thoughts and prayers are with the state of Oklahoma. 

Cookies and milk. Is there a better snack? Not in my world. Every day around 3:00 p.m. I get a cookie craving. I try to ignore the craving, but I usually give in. Cookies make me happy and happiness is important.

I recently baked up a batch of Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies and after one bite I was doing a happy dance. Once again, cookies saved my 3:00 slump.

Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies on twopeasandtheirpod.com

I am always on the lookout for new cookie recipes and this recipe from Monique is a keeper. There’s no flour or butter in these cookies, but I bet you wouldn’t even know it. Darn, I shouldn’t have told you! I ruined the shock factor:) Still pretend to be amazed when you take a bite. It will be fun. Practice all of your best shocked faces. If you want to Instagram them, go for it:)

The cookies are gluten-free too, as long as you use gluten-free oats. I promise they are really good. Peanut butter, oatmeal, and chocolate-what’s not to love?

The cookies are soft, chewy, and destined to be paired with a glass of milk.

Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies on twopeasandtheirpod.com Soft, chewy, and gluten-free-you'd never know it though!

Do you feel a cookie craving coming on? I know you do, how could you not after looking at these delicious cookies! My cookie craving meter is going through the roof right now. I guess it’s time to bake another batch of Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies! For the recipe and step-by-step photos, head on over to Tasty Kitchen.

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. I love PB cookies – and am a big fan of oatmeal in cookies. These are right up my alley!

  2. I;m all over these cookies! Need to check out the recipe, they look wonderful! You can’t go wrong with peanut butter!!

  3. Intend to try these this weekend. I’m trying to cut back (or cut out) dairy so no butter is a big plug too.

  4. Maria, these look wonderful! I didn’t even realize they had oats in them by viewing the photos. Peanut butter and chocolate = you can’t go wrong. Have a great day!

  5. Oooh…I do love a chewy cookie, especially if there’s peanut butter and chocolate involved!

  6. These look like me perfect cookie! Peanut butter and oatmeal= awesome! Oh plus chocolate, obviously!

  7. Although I’m not usually a peanut butter cookie person, when this recipe popped up in my inbox I decided I HAD to try them. I cut out a quarter of the sugar, and even though my peanut butter was unsweetened, they’re fantastic! The oatmeal is such a great addition.

    I had a still-warm sample, and now I’m going to put a couple in the freezer. Something tells me they’ll be amazing that way, too. Thanks for the recipe!

  8. Making them, ASAP! Probably around 10 am, which is when my cookie craving hits. 3 pm is when my ice cream craving goes into full force.

  9. These look great! PB chocolate chip cookies are my favorite, especially with oats. Do you think these would work with all natural pb? I don’t buy the other stuff – not a fan of hydrogenated oils.

  10. I like the sound of an all rolled oat cookie with no flour especially when there is peanut butter and chocolate in the mix!

  11. WOW! These look amazing and I think I have all the ingredients at home. I’ll definitely be making these tonight!

  12. I love your cookies too, Maria. Can’t wait to bake with you someday soon. 🙂

  13. Can’t wait to make these. One question though – how can I make mine look like yours (smooth) and not like the ones pictured in Monique’s recipe? I love the smooth, non-oatmeal look so that I can get my daughter to try them without seeing the oats.

    1. I used natural peanut butter so I think my cookies were a little thinner maybe? You can press them down a little before baking if you don’t want them puffy too.

  14. Yep – officially have a cookie craving! Love anything with PB and chocolate!

  15. I love recipes that are naturally gluten free; so much easier to bake for my gluten free friends and so much cheaper without the special flours. And how can you go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter!

  16. Incredibly yummy looking cookies! I would never be able to tell they were flourless if you didn’t say so. Great recipe!

  17. Love how easy this recipe is and that it uses oats in place of flour – definitely keeping this in my back pocket for future reference.

  18. I baked these cookies this afternoon! They are REALLY good. I only put mine in for 8 min and that was plenty, but that may be an oven thing 😉 Awesome, super simple recipe!

  19. these look amazing!! so fluffy and soft and i love that this is flourless! i haven’t attempted that before so this is a must try!

  20. Just wondering if there is a good substitute for the brown sugar? Perhaps maple syrup or honey? Would love your feedback! 🙂

    1. I haven’t tried a substitute, but let me know if you try it. I think honey would work.

  21. These sound fantastic! I love cookies like these because my girlfriends are gluten-free and I want to share my cookies with them (can’t keep them all to myself!). Thanks, Maria.

  22. After seeing this post today, I knew I had to make these tonight! And it was worth it. These cookies taste great! My husband and I loved them…Thanks for this recipe!

  23. It’s funny, I’m just seeing your post now, but I actually baked these exact cookies from the Ambitious Kitchen post a couple of nights ago because they looked so amazing! Mine taste great, but I don’t know if I did something wrong because they got super flat… I thought it might have been because I used reduced fat PB, but it might be because I decided to forgo using a mixer, or made the scoops too large. But anyway, like I said, they still turned out to be very tasty!

  24. Just made these and they’re great. You can’t tell that they lack butter or flour at all. Easy to make and quite healthy.

  25. I usually need a 3:00 chocolate break at work. These would totally fit the bill. And my coworkers would love it if I brought enough to share. Definitely going to snag this recipe.

  26. Thank you so much for this recipe. We have recently moved to be near our grandson, and he is gluten intolerant, so only eats gluten free. I will make these this week as a special treat! Your son a,d my grandson are not far apart in age, and I have so enjoyed reading about Caleb growing up. It has helped fill in the gaps of ben’s progress, they are so much alike! Thanks for your wonderful blog, oh, your chicken stuffed recipe is on the menu this week as well, keep them coming!

  27. I made these tonight. We’re building a house and our site manager is gluten intolerant. I try and take food and treats to the site twice a week for the different crews that are working. I only had one cup of PB but i wanted to make more, so 1 1/2 the recipe by using a half cup of Nutella instead of more PB but not adding any extra sugar. I used organic natural PB, so I added a pinch of sea salt. They came out soft and and light and just a little crunchy on the bottom. Thanks for the recipe! Was nice to not to have to go get special ingredients 🙂

  28. One question… you have these tagged gluten-free, and I’m new to gluten-free, but I’ve read that oats are a no-no in the gluten-free world. Can anyone give me clarification if these are ok for a gluten-free diet, maybe I missed something somewhere.

    1. They make gluten-free oats. Make sure you use gluten-free oats if you need the cookies to be gluten-free.

  29. I don’t know how I missed these!! Seriously gorgeous! Without flour, I bet the peanut butter is super intense. LOVE that!

  30. I made these and perhaps I did something wrong but the cookie dough became runny and they baked very flat and oversized. They were not that tasty and I ended up throwing them away. Every recipe I have ever made from this site has been excellent so this was a surprise.

  31. I made these today…my huband and I thought they were really good but had the same problem as a few others…turned out flat 🙁 I had even added some oat flour (ground oats) to thicken up the batter/dough…still turned out flat. I’ll try to adjust the recipe since the flavor was still pretty yummy 🙂

  32. Made these last night and they turned out wonderful!! So gooey and chocolatey. Will make this my normal recipe from now on for cookies! Ihad featured U in the post of To Better Enjoy Your Spare Time with These 7 Fabulous Cookie Recipes on AllFreshRecipes. I’ll pay close attention to ur new updation!

  33. ‘ you may laugh at the infomercials, but Sham – Wow is actually a good paper towel substitute. Then you can dip them into liquid batter and fry them. Place 1-2 pieces of chicken at a time in the Ziploc bag containing the crunchy coating mix and shake until the chicken is well coated.

  34. HELP!!
    Ineed a gluten free treat.
    These sound amazing but I can’t find the recipe anywhere on your site?
    Please help… Thanks! Jody

  35. I have read so many content concerning the blogger
    lovers however this paragraph is actually a good article, keep it up.

  36. I love how the chocolate chips kind of pop through.

    Also I love that you follow recipe etiquette…and didn’t copy the recipe like it was your own! Win for recipe creators everywhere! 🙂

  37. I made these tonight for my grandpa, with a couple variations. I used 1/2 cup sugar, and I used Skippy Natural Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, which made them AMAZING! I’ve made this recipe a bunch of times, but I’m going to do it this way from now on! Thanks for this wonderful no-fail recipe!

  38. How do you not show the oatmeal in your cookies? The ones on Monique’s page show the oatmeal in the photos of the cookies, and yours do not. How did you get yours to come out so smooth and looking oatmeal free?

  39. Hmmmm I think I’m displaying signs of an addict. Are there any nut butter support groups out there?

    Probably not… but these cookies? Perfect for people who are explicitly in love with peanut butter. Because they contain no butter of flour, they’re packed with true peanut butter flavor. Plus they bake up thick, chewy, and soft with slightly crispy edges (the way a cookie should be). After a day or two, they’ll get a little softer.