Caleb {18 Months Old}

By Maria Lichty

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Caleb just turned 18 months old and we thought we would share a “little pea” update.

Caleb currently loves:

  • Playing basketball
  • Running as fast as his little legs will let him
  • Oatmeal, yogurt, cheese, berries, beans, olives, pizza, raisins, bananas, and bacon
  • Playing at the park
  • Going on walks
  • Watching Minions and Dragon
  • Horses and doggies
  • Brushing his teeth
  • Emptying the tupperware drawer
  • His blankies-he will run to his crib and grab his blankies when he is ready for his nap.
  • Talking. Caleb talks up a storm. His favorite words are: mommy, daddy, Josh, horses, yogurt, BEE (for berries), happy, hello, Papa, cookie, slide, more, and show (for movie)
  • Putting on his shoes and socks
  • Sneaking into the bathroom
  • Trying to escape the house-he knows how to open the front door
  • Looking at pictures and Vine videos on our iPhones
  • Playing with friends
  • Helping
  • Giving kisses, bones, and high five
  • Feeding himself his yogurt and oatmeal-it gets messy!

Caleb has quite the personality and is so much fun. He is sweet, silly, and one smart cookie! Happy 18 months Caleb. We love you! Here are some recent photos of our little guy! Oh, he makes us laugh!














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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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On the Side Little Pea

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  1. Wow, he is getting so big! He’s really starting to look like Josh! But he has your eyes!

  2. He’s such a cutie!! As the mom of a 4-year-old and 20-month-old, I was curious what you give Caleb to eat for breakfast and lunch on an average day. Would love ideas from great cooks like yourselves! 🙂 My 20-month-old insists upon feeding himself, no matter how hard or messy it is, but thankfully he’s doing pretty well with a spoon now. 🙂

  3. May I just say this has truly warmed my heart this morning.
    Thank you for sharing the fun and love you have for Caleb.
    It’s a pleasure watching the little guy grow up. He’s so…cute:)

  4. Happy 18th month birthday, Caleb! He’s getting so big so fast! I’m so happy I got to meet him and give him a hug last summer. 🙂 Hope I can see him again soon! xo

  5. I’m 75, and chuckling at your amazement at your little creation. He is precious. Enjoy every minute, the time flies by.

  6. Time sure does fly by as what Jean said…my oldest is almost 22! I’ll always remember those days when all my boys were this age. Such precious times!

  7. He is so cute! And I can’t believe he’s already 18 months…I love all the pics. Hope you guys are doing well!

  8. I love how most of the pics are of him eating. My son is 16 months old, and most of my pictures of him are the same way – it’s the only time he seems to sit still!!

  9. Thanks for sharing! How could he NOT be fun and crazy? He’s so squishable . . . . I’m bummed we’ll miss you this week but glad you’re going to CA

  10. So cute! He looks like quite the messy eater 🙂 I love that he’s always looking pretty much straight at the camera- what a ham!

  11. Can’t believe how grown up Caleb is! It’s been too long since we’ve seen him (may have to remedy that!). I’ve loved watching him grow, it’s like a little preview of what I’ll have in just a few months. 🙂 John loves watching Vine videos too, it’s his favorite thing on my phone.

  12. Thanx for sharing the pics!! He is adorable 🙂 Sounds like you are enjoying your little pea!! Have a fun summer.