Artisan Bread in Five Minutes and a GIVEAWAY!

By Maria Lichty

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Artisan Bread in Five Minutes…WHAT??? Yes, you read it correctly. Only 5 minutes a day to enjoy amazing Artisan bread!! I didn’t believe it either, until I tried it.

Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois are the geniuses behind this amazing bread baking method. Their book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, is ideal for anyone who loves fresh baked bread, but struggles to find the time to bake…which is just about everyone! Who doesn’t like the smell of fresh baked bread??? You will love it even more when it takes you no time and effort!!

We recently threw together the master recipe from the book. When I say “threw together” I mean it. We really did nothing…well, we dumped yeast, water, salt and flour together…and then we let it sit in the fridge.

We cut off a hunk of dough the next day and let the bread rest, no kneading is involved! We then baked it for 30 minutes and were smitten by the smell and gorgeous appearance of our loaf. I just kept staring at it. I was skeptical the whole time, but I promise you this method works. We had a beautiful rustic loaf without breaking a sweat! I still can’t believe it worked, but I am SO glad it did:)

We still have the rest of the dough in our refrigerator, you can keep it for 14 days. They say the older the dough, the better the bread gets. I can’t wait to bake more bread this week. This really is a phenomenal way of baking bread. I am a true believer!! If you haven’t read this book, go get it!! You will be amazed.

And GREAT NEWS…Jeff and Zoe are giving our readers a free book!! For a chance to win, please comment on this post by Wednesday, February 25th, 12:00 a.m. (MST). We will pick randomly and announce the winner on Thursday!! Good luck and thanks so much to Jeff and Zoe!! We love your book!

I also recommend going to their website: // There are some errors in the book, so make note of the changes, they are listed on the website.

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. This is incredible! I hope they have a pizza dough recipe in their book because that’s what i need!!
    I want to enter the contest!

  2. Mmm… the bread looks so good! I would love to win a book like this (I’ve been wanting to make homemade bread more often). Thanks for the giveaway, and all the fun recipe posts that you always do.

  3. I blog-stalk your blog almost on a daily basis. I love your amazing recepies and I love that the two of you do it together!! And now we get an opportunity to get one of your favorite books on bread! The bakery at Harmons might start missing me.

  4. This looks amazing. I never make bread because of the time, but this I could handle. I want to stop paying a fortune for bread.

  5. Have heard so much about this wonderful book & bread. I think it's time I made it. Hopefully tomorrow Maria…it's baked up beautifully!

  6. Holy cow. I can’t believe how quick you and josh are rising to stardom. I have never seen so many comments so quickly. That bread does look so good. Just last night I wanted to make bread to go with our pasta but didn’t have time and ended up just putting some garlic mix on bagels. I know, it’s lame. I love bread! I haven’t yet thanked you for the delicious cookies you dropped by the other day. They sent us to heaven!!!! They were so GOOD!!! Thank YOU! We must get together soon!!

  7. Wow, it looks perfect! I’m so glad you enjoyed your bread 🙂

    Hmmm, I wonder if they have cinnamon rolls in there…

  8. Oh my gosh girl. You have me sold. I can’t wait to go check it out more. The bread looks beautiful. So, you just take off a chunk and….never mind, I will go check it out 🙂

  9. I NEED this book! let’s just say I tried making bread myself the other day and it really didn’t go well at all haha I’d love this book and I love your blog!

  10. Jenny-The book has tons of recipes…I am pretty sure pizza is included!

    Kat-I am glad you use this book!

    Teresa-I am glad you stalk us daily:)

    Amy-I am glad you got the shortbread. We were sad you weren’t home! Let’s get together soon!

    Jacque-They do have sweet roll recipes!!

    Live Love Eat-The bread method is amazing. Read up on it and let me know if you have questions!

  11. Great bread in 5 min. You can’t beat that! Thanks for checking my TWD bars out..they were so good nut so fattening, just sayin!

  12. I just love your blog and all the recipes I’ve made from you turn out fantastic. I baked the oatmeal butterscotch cookies this weekend, which were a huge hit. I can’t wait to try this bread and hope I win the giveaway. 🙂

  13. i’ve heard tons of things about this book and am so intrigued. in fact, one of my march goals is to make homemade bread (never done it before). i’d love to win this book!

  14. Yum. I’d love to have my own copy! (Otherwise, I must continue to wait my turn for our library’s copy… and I am impatient to explore their method…)

  15. This is such a great book. I just made cinnamon rolls and challah the other day. I’ve turned my aunt onto making this bread as well. I have to go over and teach her a new bread every couple of weeks. I’d love to be able to give her the book the next time I head over there. She’d love it and be so excited.

  16. Very in on this! I seem to be the only one out there who hasn’t tried this book out yet and have heard nothing but very positive reviews

  17. This bread dough can be used every which way but sideways. Its a phenomenal recipe and even my husband can bake it. Now THATS how easy it is, how fail-proof and exciting!

  18. I hear so many great things about that book. Of course I would love one. Is there a good pizza dough recipe in there? I’m sure there is

  19. 4 Bread bowls are a breeze with the basic boule recipe! It does turn to a delicious sourdough after only like 5 days, too. Delish!

  20. This bread looks great! And it sounds so simple, too. Thanks for sharing the good information. This is my first time visiting; I really enjoyed reading your list of favorite books. Now I must poke around and see if you’ve posted about some of these books. I’m always interested in new, good cookbooks. (Not that I NEED any more, mind you 😉 )

  21. Wow! Would love to own this book! I am thinking my bread machine is going to be on hiatus in the basement from now on. Thanks for the giveaway!


  22. Another fan–I bought the book but would love to give one to my Dad or brother! paulukon at yahoo dot com in case I win….

  23. This book is on my Amazon wish list; however, if I were to win a copy then I could start breading now!

    Whoo hoo!!

    Thanks for the opportunity. =)

  24. Thanks for all of the comments! I wish everyone could win!!

    Lynn-I love reading. I am in the middle of The School of Essential Ingredients. I am loving it so far!

    MorenaTejana-You can freeze the dough. I am not sure for how long, but I know it says in the book. It keeps in the fridge for 14 days.

  25. Mmmm! You’re bread does look yummy! I think I am going to have to get the book and try it. I haven’t had much success with bread in the past but maybe I could get this recipe to work.

  26. Loved this bread when I made it, too! Can’t wait to make it again (using up a few store bought loaves right now.) May never buy bread again after that.

  27. I’ve spent so much time and dough on the perfect loaf. I am hoping this book is the answer! (Maybe even for free… 😉

  28. I’ve heard so much about this book, and your post makes me think I would really enjoy it! Nice job on your 5 minute bread – it looks amazing.

  29. Gorgeous bread! I recently tried Mark Bittman’s no-knead bread and got great results with that, so I cannot wait to give this one a go!

  30. I have a Vita-Mix and purchase whole grains at Bob’s Red Mill in Milwaukee Oregon…can’t wait to receive my book (on order!) and try freshly ground grains!

  31. The book looks wonderful! I’d love to give it a try! I do really enjoy the kneading of bread, but with the long knead-rise-knead-rise process, I only get around to making bread once a week at most.

  32. Wow – I first saw this bread and the book over at
    and I’m so needing to buy this book! Just as is, with life, I haven’t got round to doing so, but I will as it looks such lovely bread – amazing!

  33. Have tried their master recipe and LOVE IT…have been trying to check it out at my local library, but i’m 140th in line!

  34. This really is a great book. Even though I like to make artisan bread the old fashioned way, it is nice to have a bucket of dough in the fridge for a quickie!

  35. I checked this book out from the library during the summer and LOVED it. I haven’t been able to find it again…I guess everyone else loved it too!

  36. I either need to get a new bread machine or learn how to make this yummy bread 🙂 Sure hope I win the book! Thanks 🙂

  37. Your bread looks wonderful-the perfect side kick for a nice bowl of thick soup or stew.
    I love making bread and have heard so much about this book-would love to own a copy!

  38. This method of artisan breadmaking is easy and the bread looks fantastic! No hot, heavy cast iron pot to contend with. Hooray!

  39. I have been baking bread at home for fifteen years, but I’ve never had as much fun doing it or the great Artisan results, as I’ve had since purchasing your book a few months ago. THANK YOU!!! I would love to be able to give my mother a copy of the book.:)

  40. I adore their pumpernickel – follow closely by the deli rye.

    The best part is that their breads have no carbs or calories…JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wishful thinking)

  41. I’d love a copy of this book. I’m making the basic bread but would love to make others as well. It’s true this is great bread and really easy to make.

  42. Oh my goodness! I have been following their blog for some time now and love the recipes they share. I would love to receive a free copy! Fresh baked bread all the time!? It reminds me of my younger years when still living at home. My mom always baked fresh bread- but it took a lot longer than 5 minutes! Takes you back to the good old days…

  43. Just discovered this recipe about a week ago and we’re on our third loaf- my kids are so excited for homemade bread!

  44. Would love to have this book to make bread to gift to friends! My friends need to know how fun and easy this can be!

  45. I stumbled across this recipe on a Mother Earth News article, online. I have made this bread twice now and it is just too easy and tastes soooo good! I have even baked a loaf after I have gotten home from work, and had it hot for supper!

  46. My husband found a video on youtube about two weeks ago and I am hooked! I haven’t got the book, but my three of my four daughters are also baking. This book is definately on my wish list.

  47. I was going to comment on how good your bread looks with NO ULTERIOR MOTIVE but I um, do want this book. It seems like it can’t work but everyone’s raving about their method!

  48. I followed the recipes from this book in a recent issue of the Mother Earth News and the bread is really good and really convenient.

  49. I borrowed this book from the library and made some fabulous bread. I would love to own a copy. Thank you for the oopportunity.

  50. See…I told ya all would work out with the ABin5 book!

    Look at that bread…just look at it!

    Oh yeah and, consider me entered in the contest (could always give a book away).

  51. I was JUST talking to my friend about bread making, and how I can’t do it but I LOVE bread. Now I can’t WAIT to get this bread book!

  52. Mmm, bread. I’ve been working on a no-knead recipe for a while, and would love to see what their version(s) (is|are).

  53. I’ve seen SO many reports on this book and just really want to see it…what a fun contest! Sounds pretty good, too.

  54. I never make bread the traditional way anymore nor do I buy bread. I have even adapted some traditional recipes to Jeff & Zoe's bread making style.

  55. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this book!!! I have been waiting forever for my reserve copy at the library.

    Many thanks for this opportunity!!

  56. Please oh please pick me! It would make me look like a good wife, since it’s my hubby’s dream to have me in the kitchen baking bread everyday!

  57. Food is my passion. Just started using my bread machine regularly but the bread is ordinary. Yours looks fab! Is the 5 minute recipe available in Twitter?

  58. I love home-made bread but who has the time? I’ve used the basic recipe I got from a friend, but I soooooo want the entire book!!!

  59. One of the things I enjoy must in the kitchen is baking bread, but I haven’t done it lately. I guess is because I’m little bored of the books I have. Not they’re not good, but guess I’m lacking inspiration.

    Maybe Artisan Bread in 5 minutes can get me back in track.

    thanks to you guys for such a nice giveaway!

  60. I actually found the master reicpe in an article in Mother earth news. I loved it. I couldn’t beleive it either what I could do in such a small amount of time. I would love a copy of this book.
    I want to try all their recipes.


  61. I joke that if I want “artisan bread in 5 minutes” it takes about that long for me to walk to Cosmo’s deli and puchase a loaf of ciabatta or a round loaf and walk back home again. 😉

  62. I never go without having a batch of Master Boule in my refrigerator but I still don’t have a copy of the book. I would love to win one!

  63. Please pick me! I borrowed this book from the library and love it! I have to own it! I’ve been recommending it to all the people I know who love to bake.

  64. That bread looks so cute! Thanks for commenting on my blog :)!
    i loveee the name of yours! Its so cool that you and your hubby have one together!

  65. This reminds me of a lovely Italian woman who made the best bread in the world. Your bread looks amazing – I’m going to try it!!I’m so glad I’ve found your website. Thanks!!

  66. I would love a copy of this book. I am the bread baker in a house of 5. I have used their main recipe and love it, and the rest would be wonderful

  67. I so want to read this book! I’ve found the basic dough on line for free, but I’d like other recipes to try with this method….I love it!

  68. I’ve been monopolizing my library’s copy for far too long…if I’m not the lucky drawing winner, I’ll definitely start pinching what pennies I can to buy the book.

  69. I’ve made the basic bread from a recipe available on the internet. It was amazing! I really want to get the book so I can try more!

  70. I would love to win a copy. I’ve tried the NY Times version of No-knead bread with mixed results. I need to keep trying. We’re real bread lovers in our house and I’d love to cut down on the cost of bread

  71. I was going to buy a breadmaker. But, I thought I would try making bread first. I ran across this method and can not see a reason to get a machine!

  72. I’ve just discovered this book on Amazon’s Kindle and find that it may be just what I have been looking for after trying for years to make great bread and that perfect pizza crust at home.

  73. I’ve heard so many great things about this book, and every loaf that’s come from it has looked fantastic. I’d love a copy myself!

  74. I just got this book from the library and was going to try this soon. I am so glad to see you bread and how it turned out. We must chat sometime outside of here. You should have my email address now from this comment.

  75. I bought the book, I am teaching myself to bake. I had my first successful loaf of bread today, first time, just followed the books directions. I need to tweak the process becuase I am at high altitude-8500ft. Can any one suggest?

  76. I would love to win this book. I have a friend (who doesn’t live close enough to loan me the book) who owns this book and she’s always telling me great things about it!! Please enter me to win! Thanks.