This and That

By Maria Lichty

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  • Every year the boys go see the REAL Santa at Jolley’s. He is a good looking Santa.
  • The boys start ski school tomorrow! We are all excited to hit the slopes.
  • Does anyone have Disney+? Do you like it? Worth it?
  • This is awesome. Loved his speech!
  • Maria’s dad is coming for Christmas and my brother and his family are coming right after. It’s going to be a full and fun house. My favorite part of the holidays.


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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That

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  1. Dear blogger friends,
    Someone told me you get Disney+ free for one year if you have amazon Prime.
    I don’t have it but check it out.
    They love love love it,
    Martha Collins

  2. Do not know about the offer stated above but…..
    as a Grandma….my little grands LOVE Disney+ !!! We are linked with another son, so watching anything at our house is a real treat for them!!
    Merry Christmas to you all and……enjoy those cinnamon rolls 😉 …and all your family, too!! ❤️❤️

  3. Maria ,Your dads recipe for cinnamon rolls are the best in my book.I have been making them for several years.My family always request those during the holidays.


  4. I received my copy of “ Beautiful Boards” and had a chance yesterday to go through it. All the ideas!!! I’m especially liking the Bagel Board to share with neighbors. The boy’s Santa picture is top notch . Merry Christmas to your family.

  5. Oh, yes, I stopped doing wrapping paper a couple of years ago! It’s so danged messy on Christmas morning. Instead I buy those little drawstring canvas knapsacks and put all the presents in those. My family can keep them or reuse them as gift bags however they want, and it’s really easy to carry everything out to the cars when we’re done.

  6. We love Disney+! We are Star Wars fans, and The Mandalorian is excellent! Plus huge Disney fans so it is nice to have so many movies and TV shows available.

    Also binged Virgin River in one day! I am hoping it doesn’t take too long for season 2. So good.