This and That

By Maria Lichty

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1. We have been going to the zoo every week to enjoy the nice fall weather. This time the tiger came out to talk to us!

2. Caleb has had a few days of not eating his dinner. He will take a bite of his food and then chew it forever. He won’t swallow. On Saturday, we put him in a timeout until he wanted to eat his dinner and swallow what he had in his mouth. He said he was ready to eat so I fed him a few more bites. He looks up at me with a straight face and says, “Daddy, thank you for your service.” Ha! I laughed so hard and couldn’t stop. He loved that I thought he was funny so he started running around repeating the statement over and over.

3. This kid is funny, have you seen him on Jimmy Kimmel?

4. We have been watching a lot of baseball. We are cheering for the Giants. I am trying to talk Maria into a once in a lifetime trip to a Giants World Series game if they make it. Can I get an Amen from you guys? I really want to go!

5. This is what happens when you have someone make you a cake who is a very literal person.

6. On Monday night, I put Caleb to bed and he started yelling for me. I tried to ignore him but he kept saying something about red so I went in there. Caleb said, “Daddy, I don’t want to like the Red Sox because I am a good person.” Being a Yankee fan I felt very proud of my little guy. I don’t know where he got that from though because I never told him the Red Sox were the bad guys. He is a funny kid!



1. I have a major crush on fall.

2. Banana bread and cinnamon rolls in one recipe. Genius!


3. I am addicted to La Croix. I am currently sipping on Pamplemousse (grapefruit). What is your favorite flavor?

4. Fun idea for a coffee table.


5. Trader Joe’s did it again! Has anyone tried their new cookie butter? I was SO tempted to buy it, but I put it back because I knew I would eat the entire jar with a spoon and I still have a few baby pounds to lose. So tell me, do I need to go back and get it?

6. These are the kind of cookies I dream about!


7. Bubble beard! Maxwell loves taking baths and I love a clean baby!  aden + anais bubble bath is my favorite! Maxwell smells so snuggly:)

8. I joined the FitBit club this week. I bought the Flex. I am still figuring it out, but I like it so far! A few questions, is there any place I can note that I am nursing because that is a game changer in my calorie intake? Also, does it just do steps? What about core work and strength training? Do we not get credit for those exercises? If we don’t, fine, I will just eat another cookie and not record it…ha! Just joking. Sort of:)

9. Soup perfection!

10. Did a little baking from this cookbook. It’s a winner! Will share what I made soon!

11. Dying over this dessert!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That On the Side

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  1. Just love reading your emails .. they always make me smile. And Caleb definitely makes me laugh! I must say though, being from Massachusetts, his Red Sox comment was a “killler” this morning!! Ha!

  2. Maria, I love my flex! Yes, you can “log” any activity on the website. Just go to “Log” and then select “Activity”….you can even set up favorites to make it easier to log future workouts….

  3. Wow Maxwell has gotten so big already! I love Dana’s Cinnamon Rolls and that La Croix is also one of my favs. I will say that the Cherry Lime is also pretty incredible! Regarding the cookie butter, I was also pretty scared to buy it but definitely wanted to. Btw thanks for the link love! xo

  4. Let me be the first to tell you that the new cookie butter is life changing if you like oreos. I selfishly want you to get it so that there will be all sorts of amazing recipes created from it.

  5. I was wondering about how much calories you actually burn when breast feeding. I am struggling between sweets and my after-birth weight for almost 11 months now.

  6. I’m sorry you’re rooting for the Giants. Kansas City Royal’s all the way!!! They are America’s dream team.

  7. I just discover la Croix, I then promptly bought half a dozen flavors. Pamplemousse is by far my favorite! I’ve nearly polished off the 12-pack!

  8. Kansas City Royals must win! Talk about a great story and a great team. I vote go to the game, but cheer for the Royals!

  9. Fitbit Twins! I just got mine last week and I”m pretty sure it did ask if was nursing and with just 2 weeks left until a first b-day I was sad to say no! What color did you get?!

  10. I love La Croix, too!!! Wish is was available around here instead of having to drive 45 miles (one-way) to pick some up! Coconut and Peach/Pear are my absolute faves!

  11. When you are on and you are at your Dashboard, I think you can change your settings and note that you are nursing. With respect to other workouts, you can log it all on fitbit website or the fitbit app.